Your Name. (君の名は。) is a Japanese animated movie, premiered in 2016 and has been written and directed by Makoto Shinkai, who also wrote the novel this anime movie is based on.
Fun fact: this movie hit the theatres last year in July in the USA and in August in Japan and managed to become the highest-grossing anime movie, over comin Academy Award winning "Spirited Away".
So here's my review and thoughts about it, enjoy!
The two of them have never met in real life, but for some twist of fate, they swich bodies every once in a while!
After a first moment of shock and confusion, the two of them find a way to communicate through notes on their cellphones and note books. They are actually enjoying being someone else and Mitsuha tries to help Taki by setting a date with his colleague Okudera.
But these switches end all of a sudden and that's when Taki decides it's time to meet the real Mitsuha...the problem is that after when they wake up in their on body they forget each other's names.
My Opinion
I was really curious about this one and, now that I've seen it, I can't wait to read the novel as well, to see if there's a reason why these two teenagers switch bodies; likewise any anime woth of this name, there's no explaination of the events, they just happen. The story is addictive and don't even get me started on how AWESOME the soundtrack is! I've downloaded it completely!
Ranking: 5/5
Related movies and books:
- Switched point of view, my list HERE
- Multiversum by Leonardo Patrignani
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