📺Cure it with Movies/Books: Venice

Venice is undeniably my favorite city in Italy and I've already talked about what to do if you plan a day-trip HERE.
Today I wanted to help those who can't come to Italy in the near future or those who came, saw and miss it with a list filled with movies and books entirely or partially set in this beautiful city!

Fully set in Venice
The Merchant of Venice Movie PosterCasanova Movie Poster
Both these movies are entirely set in the beautiful Italian city: the 2004 adaptation of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'  has a stellar cast, with Al Pacino as Shylock, Jewish usurer, the protagonist of the story; while the 2005 movie 'Casanova' starring Heath Ledger and Jeremy Irons, is about the world-famous Venitian playboy, who was also poet and spy for the Venetian Republic.  
Summertime Movie PosterThe Tourist Movie Poster
In 1955 Katherine Hepburn starred in 'Summertime', playing an American woman dreaming of the perfect holiday in Venice...everything will be turned upside-down when she falls for an art dealer.
More or less the same fate as Jhonny Deep's character in 'The Tourist': an American professor falls for a beautiful lady he meets on the train to Venice, ignoring she's actually an Interpol agent.

Partially set in Venice
The Italian Job Movie PosterThe League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Movie Poster
Both from 2003, 'The Italian Job' opens with a band of thieves planning and succeeding in stealing gold bars from a Venetian bank first and escaping between the canals with a motorboat after. 
'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' is formed by in MI6 mysterious agent to prevent a villain named Ghost to destroy Venice and provoking a war in 1900 Europe.
Casino Royale Movie PosterInferno Movie Poster
In 2006 'Casino Royale' (which is my favorite Bond movie) James Bond and Vesper Lynd quit working for Her Majesty's government and flee to Venice...unfortunately it's not going to be a happy getaway.
'Inferno' is set between Florance, Venice, and Istanbul and in the lagoon city professor Robert Langdon will find out were the bacteriological threat really is.
Spider-Man: Far From Home Movie Poster
The latest movie about the spider DC hero is 'Spiderman: Far From Home' with Peter Parker longing for a care-free holiday throughout Europe with his friends and love interest. As soon as they arrive in Venice, however, a new super-villain appears...

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Even if these two books have 'death' in their titles, both stories are catching and the mysteries behind these deaths will keep the reader wondering...For fans of the thriller genre, a must-read.
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YA/fantasy genre, the 'Undrowned Child' bring mermaids and an ancient prophecy in the lagoon city, while in book #3 of 'The Heroes of Olympus' Percy and his friends only make a brief stop in Venice, but it won't be a relaxed and danger-free one...

So, this is it...let me know in the comments if you watched and read these movies and books or if I anything I should add to the list!

Ph: impawards.com & goodreads.com

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