The title leaves no doubts what we're going to talk about: it happened quite a lot in the last years that worlwide popular Tv Series made someone thought: "Hey, why not replicate the success by making a movie out of it?".
I've already posted a Movies To Tv Series article a couple of years ago, so it was about time to do the opposite and which tv series got their featured film (or series of films). Of course, this are just a few of them, you can fine the complete list on Wikipedia.
1. The Man from U.N.C.L.E

Based on the tv series that aired between 1964 and 1968, for a total on 105 episodes. It's easy to spot Guy Ritchie signature British humour that fullfils the entire movie. The budget was of $75 million and it grossed worldwide a total of $109.8 million, so it highly repaid itself.
2. Star Trek
Along with "Star Trek: Next Generation", these two TV shows have been the stronghold of sci-fi genre for the small screen since 1966 and with a evergreen fandom it was obvious they'd try to prolong their 'myth' with movies...13, to be precise.
3. CHiPs
The series gave us a glimpse of what it was like to be a motorcycle officer in California from 1977 to 1983. Dax Shepard (in the dual role of actor and director) and Micheal Peña brought the vibe back in 2017.
4. The A-Team
The fictitious US Army Special Forces unit made history from 1983 to 1987 and the 2010 movie with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Quinton Jackson and Sharlto Copley was hilarious, unnecessarily long and filled with explosions...If you ask me, the best scene is where Murdock tries to start an ambulance's engine with a defibrillator!
5. 21 Jumps Street
The show that launched Jhonny Deep acting career aired between 1987 and 1991 and had two big screen transpositions in 2012 and 2014, casting for both Channing Tatum and Johan Hill, who also wrote the script.
6. Baywatch
This is probably the first Tv show I've ever watched and aired starting from 1989 all the way to 2001. In 2017 an irriverent and vulgar transposition with Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron and Priyanka Chopra hit the theatre and won big at the same edition of the Teen Choice Awards. It was revealed that a sequel is has been planned.
7. Sex and the City
One of the most famous and loved series of all time, it first aired in 1998 and finished in 2004, but 4 years later we got the first movie, followed two years later by its sequel. Even if the second one wasn't as well done as the first one, fan all over the world hoped for a third one, which was supposed to happen, but has been definitively cancelled in 2017.
8. IT
The miniseries scared to death the small screen audience back in 1990...with memes still going strong on the Internet nowadays. A big screen movie again hunted us in with nightmares back in 2017 and the second part of it is scheduled to make us tremble later this year, in September.
9. Miami Vice
I've never watched the 80's show, but I did watched the movie and, even if the critics said it wa "well executed, however lacked of the series carisma" I must say I liked it, Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell portrayed the characters really well.
10. Downton Abbey
I'm one of those people who waited for this moment ever since the British series ended in 2015. We'll be all go back to Downton Abbey to have tea with the Crawley family this year, in September.
Other Tv Series from the 70s/80s may have not get their featured film, but they got a new look thanks to reboots.
I'm particularly loving MacGyver with Lucas Till portraying the skillful US agent with a passion for paper clips.
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